The story of Spay Spa & Neuter Nook is one of enduring love for animals. If you love animals, and you love stories, read on. If you want the full scoop on the early years of Rude Ranch Animal Rescue, buy the book “The Best Little Cat House in Maryland.” If you would like to learn more about us or add to our story, please visit us on facebook and Instagram.
Robert Rude (“Bob”) and Katherine (“Kathy”) Evans Rude begin donating their time, energy, and financial resources to help save and find homes for abandoned and homeless animals around the Washington, DC – Virginia – Maryland metropolitan area.

The Start of it all
Bob and Kathy purchase the property at 3200 Ivy Way in Harwood, Maryland, to shelter and care for abandoned, abused, special needs, and geriatric animals. Excavation, renovation, and repair of the property begins.
Paperwork is filed with the Internal Revenue Service for 501(c)(3) designation for Rude Ranch Animal Rescue.

Rude Ranch Animal Rescue, Inc. receives 501(c)(3) determination from the Internal Revenue Service, becoming one of the first no-kill animal shelters in the country and one of the first to implement pediatric spay/neuter.
Rude Ranch Animal Rescue renovates to create different rooms, areas, and climbing courses for the cats in the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary has rooms for feline leukemia patients, rehabilitating ferals, and geriatric animals and open areas for the general animal population.

Following the devastation from Hurricane Katrina, Rude Ranch Animal Rescue joins the boots-on-the-ground rescue of abandoned and homeless animals in New Orleans, LA, eventually returning with many of the critically ill animals to the Sanctuary in Harwood, MD to care for them. Rude Ranch Animal Rescue establishes itself as a national presence.

Recognizing that the only way to reduce or stop the pet overpopulation problem is an aggressive, affordable, and accessible spay/neuter program, Rude Ranch Animal Rescue begins the process of research, planning, fundraising and outreach to launch its own veterinary clinic.
With the advance ruling period complete, the IRS affirms that Rude Ranch Animal Rescue is classifed as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Code, with IRC 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) charity status – a “publicly supported organization.”

Following the stock market crash, Rude Ranch Animal Rescue postpones its plans to open its veterinary clinic; three more years are added to this process.
The Best Little Cat House in Maryland, a book detailing the almost 10-year journey of operating Rude Ranch Animal Rescue, is published. Available for
purchase on Amazon and for
discussion on facebook.

Rude Ranch Animal Rescue signs a five-year lease at 1251 West Central Avenue in Davidsonville, MD and begins renovations to accommodate a surgical suite, medical prep and recovery areas, separate dog and cat housing areas, office space, and reception area.
Rude Ranch Animal Rescue’s animal clinic, Spay Spa & Neuter Nook, has a ribbon-cutting ceremony with local stakeholders, dignitaries, and friends to celebrate the grand opening. The acting County Executive, John R. Hammond, issues an Executive Citation to the clinic.
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook performs it first surgeries in October, 2012.

Spay Spa & Neuter Nook performs its 10,000th surgery on a cat named Kitana.
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook forges partnerships with over two dozen animal rescue groups, as well as with county, state, and national agencies and organizations.

Reaching a Milestone
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook signs a lease to occupy an adjoining suite at 1251 West Central Avenue, providing additional storage, surgical , and work areas.
Alley Cat Allies provided significant support for the expansion; additional funding came from the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Spay and Neuter Grants Program.
The County Council of Anne Arundel County issues a Citation on the occasion of the clinic expansion and “with deep appreciation for your commitment to serve the citizens of Anne Arundel County.”

Renovations underway
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook/Rude Ranch Animal Rescue receive a grant from Alley Cat Allies for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) pilot project to spay, neuter, and vaccinate community cats in Anne Arundel County.
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook has now partnered with over 50 rescue groups to help pets get ready for adoption, prevented the birth of over 100,000 homeless animals, and surpassed 25,000 surgeries.

Community Cats need love
Rude Ranch Animal Rescue/Spay Spa & Neuter Nook partner with SPCA of Anne Arundel County, Friends of Anne Arundel Animal Care and Control, Sunshine’s Friends Cat & Dog Rescue, and Cats R Us to craft and promote legislation to protect and save community cats in Anne Arundel County.

After more than a year of behind-the-scenes work by Rude Ranch Animal Rescue/Spay Spa & Neuter Nook and its partners, Anne Arundel County passes the Community Cat Bill (96-17). The Bill allows TNR county-wide and gives protection to cats that are surrendered to animal control.
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook launches
SAVECats, a program designed to
Every Cat in Anne Arundel County through TNR.

Protecting the unprotected
Rude Ranch Animal Rescue and Spay Spa & Neuter Nook is awarded a grant from the Maryland Department of Agriculture Spay and Neuter Grants Program. This project provides free spay/neuter to pets of low-income residents in the Brooklyn Park area, one of the most economically depressed areas of Anne Arundel County.
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook performs its 40,000th surgery.

spay/neuter Brooklyn park
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook is required to close for 10 weeks from March to May due to COVID-19-related statewide shut down orders from Governor Larry Hogan. The clinic reopens with new safety guidelines involving health checks, sanitizing, social distancing, masks, and hand washing for all staff and maintains a zero-case standard for the clinic.
Spay Spa & Neuter Nook has partnered with over 100 rescue groups and prevented the birth of over 200,000 homeless animals.